Catherine who volunteers at 8th Portsmouth Girls’ Brigade
What inspired you to volunteer?
I wanted to give back to the organisation which I’d belonged to as a child and young person as it had given me so much – friends, confidence, new skills, an introduction to the Christian faith, and numerous other opportunities.
What volunteering do you do and who with?
I’m a volunteer Team Leader at 8th Portsmouth Girls’ Brigade group. I work with 8 other volunteers to provide a weekly group for 4-18s. We’re supported by Portsmouth Methodist Church and Girls’ Brigade nationally.
When did you get involved with this organisation?
I’ve been a member of Girls’ Brigade since I was 4… and a leader for just over 20 years.
What attracted you to this role & organisation?
I love providing girls and young women with great opportunities to learn new skills, grow in confidence, learn about the Christian faith, and make new friends.
What are your activities and what do they involve?
8th Portsmouth Girls’ Brigade is a uniformed youth group for girls and young women from all backgrounds. It’s a safe environment where members can relate to one another, have fun, learn new skills, earn badges and awards, make a difference in their community, and discover more about the Christian faith.
What motivates you to stay involved?
Every week at Girls’ Brigade is different so volunteering is really varied but the best thing is seeing the girls and young women we work with developing in confidence, taking on leadership roles, and living life to the full!
What have you personally gained from volunteering?
Personally, I’ve gained new skills, made new friends, and love knowing I’ve made a positive difference to the lives of girls and young women in our area.
What would you say to anyone thinking about making the leap and volunteering themselves?
Do it! There are so many amazing causes and charities out there that need volunteers. You’ll make a real difference to others’ lives, which is very rewarding, and I’m sure you’ll benefit from the experience even more than those you’re trying to help.