Make a Minute Matter!

15 December 2016

Picture the scene: you’ve quaffed so much Cointreau you’re queasy, you’ve munched one mince pie to many, and now someone’s suggesting Charades? Bored, yeah? Want to do something meaningful and not need to move from the sofa? How about logging onto and doing some ‘microvolunteering’.

Sixty seconds is all it can take to support a charity, by signing up to a mailing list, ‘liking’ a Facebook post or retweeting a picture. This new type of volunteering can be done anywhere, anytime and doesn’t tie anybody down to a long-term commitment. You can even take part in that game of Charades if you want to!

If you’re thinking about a new year’s resolution, what better place to start than the Portsmouth Together website. Want to get fit for 2017; why not help out at a gardening project? Want to meet new people: how about becoming a befriender? These are just two of the many opportunities that you’ll find on the website. If you’re not already registered, join up today at: It’s quick to do and completely free.

In a poll by the National Volunteering Network, 98% of respondents said volunteering has made them happier people, so why not get started today.

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