Catagories announced for Portsmouth Volunteer Awards 2020!

3 March 2020

** Update **

8/5/20: Due to the current pandemic, we have had to postpone the Volunteer Awards for 2020. Thank you so much for all of the responses we have received and all the support you have provided for the community. We cannot wait to give Portsmouth’s volunteers a proper celebration!

There have already been a lot of outstanding and fantastic nominations for our Portsmouth Volunteer Awards 2020, and we cannot wait to get even more nominations so we can recognise all the hard work done around the city! We are excited to announce the following award categories for both teams and individuals:

Community Category – Volunteers that have shown exceptional engagement in their community

Health & Social Care Category – Volunteers who help in health and social care, from support work, befriending or projects which reduce social isolation and help assist independent living)

Environment Award – Volunteers engaged in environmental activities, including education, conservation and gardening

Culture, Creativity & History Category – Volunteers who support the many arts, culture & heritage organisations in Portsmouth

Business  Category – Any business or organisation which has made a positive contribution outside of their work

Lifetime Achievement and Outstanding Contribution – Anyone who has on above and beyond to give back

Young Persons and Families Volunteer – Volunteers under 21 or families that spend their time doing great work in the city!


Send your nominations here!




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