Building a Stronger Britain Together funding has now opened and you can access all the details via the link below.
The fund will be open until Friday 16th February 2018 at 5pm.
This funding is an opportunity to apply for support for projects that are working towards countering extremism by achieving any of the 3 Building a Stronger Britain Together outcomes.
- Fewer people holding attitudes, beliefs and feelings that oppose shared values.
- An increased sense of belonging and civic participation at the local level.
- More resilient communities.
Portsmouth City Council are keen to see strong bids submitted from Portsmouth and surrounding areas and know there are organisations planning some exciting projects in this area.
If you are planning to submit a bid please do contact Jenni Wessels, Community Cordinator., who can provide support in the following ways:
- Discussing project ideas (either via phone or meeting up if time allows)
- Receiving the bid prior to submission to read through and offer thoughts
- Attending projects that are already running to discuss development of the work and how a BSBT bid may fit with current work
Please feel free to pass this opportunity on to anyone that you feel may be interested in this opportunity,
Contact : Jenni Wessels, Community Coordinator
Telephone : 02392841220