
People’s stories coffee morning – Christmas across the fleet

11 December 2017 at 10:30 AM to 11 December 2017 at 12:00 PM

Posted by: National Museum of the Royal Navy

At the National museum of the Royal Navy we run popular coffee morning events for the local community.

Our next coffee morning will be looking at how Christmas is celebrated across the fleet. £2 per person which is payable on the day , but spaces need to be booked.

I would be grateful if you could pass this onto anyone who may be interested in attending. Discover how the Royal Navy celebrates the festive season across the fleet through our collections, see how the charity UK4U send Christmas gifts to serving navy personnel away from home and learn more about how sailors celebrated by holding their own festive theatricals and sods operas!

11th December, 10.30-12noon
Victory Gallery, national museum of the Royal Navy (Portsmouth historic dockyard)
To book: or 02392727564

Please find poster attached for more information


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